Rare complications have been described such as pulmonary fat embolism. This is a passage of a small amount of fat back into the bloodstream (to the vessels of the lung). This risk of the fat passing into the blood vessels (deep veins of the buttocks) is all the more important as the fat is injected deeply and in particular into the gluteus maximus muscle.

Injecting fat into the gluteus maximus muscle used to be advisable in the past to allow a good rate of absorption of the injected fat, but this type of complication has proved too dangerous.

Thus, at present, fat is injected ONLY into the existing fatty tissue of the buttock, i.e. more superficially while remaining in a strict subcutaneous position.

Thus, before performing buttock lipofilling (Brazilian Butt Lift, BBL), you should make sure that the surgeon who will take care of you is fully competent and trained in this type of technique.

Dr. Gasnier and Dr. Dumas practice in Nice and Beausoleil (behind the Monaco train station). They regularly take part in congresses on this theme in France and abroad and are perfectly trained in this type of surgical procedure.