There are 3 possible “ways” to place breast implants during a breast augmentation surgery:

  • Peri-areolar approach:

The scar is hidden in a semi-circle under the nipple, in the pigmented skin. Despite this, breastfeeding is still possible in most cases.

  • Submammary (under the breast):

The scar is placed horizontally under the breast for about 4 cm. It is proposed when there is a very slight breast ptosis, allowing the scar to be hidden in the submammary fold.

  • Axillary route:

The incision is dissected under the arm, in the armpit. There is therefore no visible scar on the breast. However, the scar may be visible when the patient raises her arms.

The choice of one or the other of these scars will be taken according to your wishes and the clinical examination carried out during the consultation in Nice.